Monday, June 6, 2016

5 Reasons Why I Rock Curls

Growing up I didn't like my curly hair. I thought that if I wanted to be like every female celebrity I needed to have board straight hair. When I was in 5th grade I went to have my hair trimmed. The lady cut all the way up to my ears (not a trim).  She did this because my dad wanted to cut off all of the hair that has been permed. This ended up being a blessing in disguise. Ever since then I have been growing my hair naturally. Now I can feel if there is chemical in my hair.

I used to think of curly hair as something that holds me back. But now I know it is something that makes me stand out. 

So…. Why do I rock it:

  1. It adds a unique vibe to me
  2. Not everyone has it
  3. it's all natural
  4. It's spontaneous
  5. It represents me

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